Sadly for many pets a behavioral problem can turn into a lethal condition. Every year millions of pets that are often otherwise healthy are euthanized because their owners weren’t able to stop their behavior problems. Some of these problems can include destructiveness, unruliness, excessive vocalization, inappropriate urination, and aggression.
The expense associated with proper veterinary attention and animal training results in too many animals being abandoned and neglected by their owners and also leads to high euthanasia rates. The main cause of death in young animals is behavior problems. However, in many cases a pet’s behavior problem can be modified and even solved completely and inexpensively with the help of flower essences.
Many people believe that an animal’s true nature becomes unnatural after spending an extended period of time with humans. As a result, certain behavior problems can emerge. Flower essences can be used to restore balance in our pet’s lives. Pets often respond to flower essence treatments more quickly than people do, perhaps because they don’t come equipped with the emotional baggage we all know as “skepticism.” Nothing makes a believer out of a nonbeliever better than seeing firsthand a pet’s dramatic response to a flower essence program.
Because animals are very sensitive to their owner’s emotional state, pets will by nature both learn and exhibit the emotional state of their household, whether good or bad. Animal behaviorist Michael Fox refers to this phenomenon as “sympathetic resonance.” As a result many veterinarians and other healthcare professionals will recommend flower essences to the owner of a pet instead of the pet themselves. Sometimes only treating the owner results in a positive behavioral change in the pet!
Pets seem to read human body language better than people do. Most pet owners expect animals to act like human’s and incorrectly apply human traits to them. Pet owners lack the understanding that it is not natural for pets to act like humans. For example, when Skippy destroys the house he’s doing it because “he’s angry with me” or when Fluffy pees on the boyfriend’s clothes she’s doing it because she’s “jealous.” Most animal behaviorists agree that at least 50% of their work involves treating owners. Behaviorists will try to determine how much the animal’s problem is influenced by the owner’s behavior and will work with the owner on educating them so that the pet doesn’t return to the same emotional state.
People often fail to recognize stress in their pets because they have come to regard the conditions they impose on them to be normal. It is not normal for a dog to be kept in a crate for hours and hours at a time with no exercise. However, many pet owners use the crate as a training tool. While crates are very effective when used properly, pet owners simply need to understand that this is only one example of how we have removed from animals their natural territory, pack, pack leader, working and hunting oppurtunities and replaced it with a very unnatural domestic situation. And the only reason we do it is because it works in OUR favor—not theirs.
Behaviors such as chewing, smelling, biting, barking, and scratching are normal behavior’s in the animal’s natural environment. However, they are considered problems when they are used in our surroundings. When Bandit chews your favorite shoe or when Felix scratches your couch, they are exhibiting completely normal behaviors.
When using flower essences to treat your pet’s behavior problems try putting yourself in the animal’s place. See what seems to bother him and try to make some kind of correlation to the behavior. You can either study the indications for each flower essence either by yourself or you can work with a practitioner who can help you determine which are appropriate to use based on your pet’s behavior patterns, personality traits, and emotions.
A hint: for natural animal reppellents use citris oils most cats do not like citris and will move away from the smell if possible, i found that my cat had a bad habbit of scratching on the door in the middle of the night, so putting a small amount of citrine oil onto a cloth it reppeled her. Another thing is, citris is good for a cats sinuses, it clears and cleanses them, shame they dont like citris!